Send all donations to Living Hope Christian Center in Madras, Oregon.
Specify "Charlene Loughlin" in the memo line. Complete address below.

Thank you for all your Prayers and Support

Thank you for all your Prayers and Support
Liberty School

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Count Down to the Move

Finally found a storage unit and I am in the process of getting all the things together that will go to storage. I have one room for storage. One room for the rest I need to sale and one room with the things I need to take with me. Found some large suitcases at the thrift store that will work perfect. Now I am in the process of getting a laptop I can take with me so I can stay in touch and use for school. Just a few more details to work out and I will be on my way. What an incredible journey it has been so far. Can't wait for what is ahead.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Market Place

Looking forward to walking through the market place again.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Start of a New Adventure

Today I am beginning to pack and realize that my time here in the States is getting shorter. I am very excited about where the Lord will be taking me, but I will certainly miss everyone here. I have been going through everything and it really makes you think about what is truely important to you. I am having to make some big decisions and yet I feel at peace with the direction I am heading. I am looking forward to moving to this beautiful country.