Send all donations to Living Hope Christian Center in Madras, Oregon.
Specify "Charlene Loughlin" in the memo line. Complete address below.

Thank you for all your Prayers and Support

Thank you for all your Prayers and Support
Liberty School

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holiday Spirit

Dinner at Casa Magdalena
There were holiday activities buzzing at the Project.   Guatemalans celebrate Christmas much like we do New Years.  We had dinner at 11:00pm and then waited to count down to Christmas day.  They then light off fireworks and gave each other hugs.  I had the privelege of celebrating with Casa Magdalena also after the late night events.  We ate dinner at 1:30am on Christmas day, lite more fireworks and opened presents.  I didn't get home to my cozy bed until 3:30am.   It was very different from how we experience Christmas in the states but it was fun to be a part of the festivities here.

Handing out Presents
Hugs for Everyone
They also celebrate New Years much the same way as Christmas but they also have devotions and sharing to bring in the New Year.  Also, the fireworks are going off all throughout the town and are much more spectacular.  They also hug everyone to bring in the New Year.  I got home around 2:00am.  I was a little tired after all the late night events, but I enjoyed spending time with the girls during this special time.